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Paintings & Lithographs
Jeremy Okai Davis
A retrospective of the Portland artist’s past accomplishments and a tribute to his current ones.
January 23, 2023-February 28, 2023

Courtesy of the artist and Elizabeth Leach Gallery
The Little Gallery is located in Oregon State University at 210 Kidder Hall Corvallis, Oregon 97331
Hours are: Monday to Friday: 10 am - 6 pm
Closed during noon hour
February 22, 2023
In celebration of Black History Month, a series of paintings and lithographs display “grace through perseverance” at Oregon State University’s The Little Gallery.
Colorful portraits with dappled brush strokes line the walls of the Little Gallery. Faces of NBA star Bill Russell, Gwendolyn Knight, and the artist's own mother look out to the viewer ...

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